Créer un Avenir Plus Vert : Notre Engagement en Faveur de la Durabilité Environnementale en République du Congo
Chez TES, nous sommes convaincus que préserver notre planète est une …
T.E.S is a company that specialized in the cleaning and maintenance of premises, industrial sites, and green spaces, as well as disinfection, pest and rat control.
T.E.S is committed to providing you with fast and efficient maintenance and cleaning services.
For more than 20 years, we have guaranteed our customers in the Republic of Congo, both in the public and private sectors, the result of know-how, mastered, carried out by qualified personnel, and supported by high-performance equipment
And every service we offer to our clients bears our DNA:
We partner with leading local and international suppliers to fully cover your needs
Over the years our company has had the privilege of working with large corporations such as UBA (United Bank for Africa), Eni Congo et BCI (Banque Commerciale Internationale). We pride ourselves on providing quality services to businesses like yours.
Chez TES, nous sommes convaincus que préserver notre planète est une …
On aime tous travailler dans un environnement propre et sûr mais …
C’est toujours une bonne idée de garder votre maison propre et …